Swim your way to Good Health!
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Swim your way to Good Health!

Swim your way to Good Health!


Dive, splash, swim and repeat! Swimming is a fun activity, and no one can deny this fact! Most of us hit the pool to beat the summer heat, but not many think of continuing with swimming after summer ends. Temperature and fear of catching a cold are the two most common reasons why most of us quit swimming. But people, don’t give up! I have listed a few points which will encourage you to swim all around the year!


  1. It’s a great stress buster:
    Let’s accept it – we live in a world where everyone is constantly under tremendous pressure. So why not spare some time and cheer up your mood? Just dive into a pool and see the difference! There’s no need for you to swim, just wading in the water will release happy-hormones and keep you cheerful all day long!
  2. Anyone can do it!
    You can surely convince all the youngsters and seniors in your family to join you in the pool! There’s no specific age group for splashing into the water, and anyone can take it up. Whether you’re pregnant, recovering from surgery, a marathon runner, suffering from arthritis or an injured athlete, there’s no harm for you to swim. It will provide a great full-body workout and leave you feeling fresh and energetic.
  3. Cold shouldn’t bother you:
    Swimming is the best remedy for people who have Asthma. See what I’m trying to put across here? You can continue swimming even in the colder months, and you won’t fall sick! In fact, it will increase your immunity and make you less susceptible to all kinds of illnesses. Of course, consult your doctor before taking up swimming, but it’s worth giving a thought!
  4. It’s the cheapest sport, ever!
    You need not purchase any expensive or heavy-duty gear for swimming – just a pair of goggles, swimsuit and a cap (Optional) and you’re all set!
  5. Host of health benefits:
    Tones your body, increases muscle strength, burns down calories, improves your heart rate without causing stress and improves your sleep pattern too! Any insomniacs out there? Consider swimming; I bet you’ll be sleeping like a baby at the end of the day! Your cholesterol and hypertension levels will come back to normal, too! Plus, it makes you look younger without any efforts. (If you know what I mean! – lesser visits to the parlour and a lot of money save on cosmetics!)
  6. Makes you smarter:
    Always struggled to make your presence felt in your workplace, school or home? Well, swimming helps here too! It improves your cognitive functions and makes your brain sharper and more active. Easy to create an impact now, huh?
  7. There are loads to do in the pool than swim!
    If you manage to catch hold of a group of friends to swim along with you, nothing can beat the fun you’ll have together! Even otherwise, don’t fret – you can always befriend people who come to the pool regularly, and you can keep days aside, where instead of swimming, you indulge in water sports!                                                                                                                                 
  8. More confidence:
    Toned bodies and sharp minds – the perfect combination of beauty with brains right? Research says that swimmers are more confident than the general crowd and they easily stand apart from the rest!


If the thought of getting back to swimming has entered your head, don’t let it get out! Your swimsuits tucked away at the back of your closet are begging for liberation! Go get them out and get going. Remember, Dive. Splash. Swim. Repeat!!

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